
Vaporesso Xros Pro POD Kit 1200 mAh

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The top version of the Xros POD product line from Vaporesso. The device appeals with power up to 30W and 1200mAh battery with fast charging.

Product description

Recently, the manufacturer Vaporesso has focused more on the Luxe product line and fashions. However, the slightly neglected Xros line has not been forgotten. The company is expanding these great POD devices with the top model Xros Pro. The device offers up to 30W of power, a large 1200mAh integrated battery, and almost carefree operation combined with auto-draw activation. The device is thus user-friendly also for complete beginners.

Although the device has a larger battery, the dimensions have grown only slightly. It is now still a very compact 119.7 x 24.4 x 18.45 mm. The design is very similar to the rest of the Xros series devices. Yet the Pro model has two completely new features. One is a lock button on the side of the device, which locks the fire button to prevent accidental activation. The second new feature is the display. This shows the selected power or output mode, battery level, number of draws, and device lock activated/deactivated.

The remaining functions from previous models have been retained. The device also features a fire button and a slider for adjusting the draw stiffness. The Axon chip is responsible for the operation of the device. It delivers up to 30W of power, which you can also regulate in the case of the 0.4 ohm cartridge. The device is also compatible with the all remaining Xros cartridges, which thanks to COREX technology impress with flavour delivery and durability. Unfortunately, you can no longer adjust the power output with them. However, the intensity can be adjusted via the Eco, Normal and Power output modes. The power/mode settings can be accessed with three presses of the glow button.

The battery is really big for the size of the device. Its capacity is 1200mAh. Apart from the display, the RGB LED on the front panel also keeps you informed about the battery status. If necessary, just connect the device to the USB-C cable and recharge the battery at any time with a current of up to 2 A. This quick charge will recharge a fully discharged battery in just 35 minutes.

119.7 x 24.4 x 18.45 mm.
Weight: 86g
Power: up to 30W
Draw activation: automatic / push button
Battery capacity: 1200mAh

Package Contents:
1 x Xros Pro
2 x Xros 0.4 ohm catridge (1pc already pre-installed)
1 x USB-C cable
1 x Instructions

Manufacturer: Vaporesso
Product review
5 rating









Další pecka od Vaporessa :-) Cartridge na 3ml potěší, nastavitelný výkon a zpětná kompatibilita s ostatními cartridge je supr :-) Výdrž baterie je prakticky stejná jako u předchozích modelů. Ale to je způsobeno nastavitelným výkonem - víc to žere :-) Doporučuju :-)

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