
Vaporesso Luxe XR Max POD 2800mAh

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A device that has no hint of competition in terms of its parameters across PODs. Up to 80W of power, 2800mAh battery and wide compatibility with both Vaporesso Luxe X cartridges as well as Luxe XR and GTX heads PM80 and PM40. All this in a compact enough size.

Product description

The Vaporesso Luxe product line, as such, needs no long introduction. They have always been POD models with unrivalled battery capacity. Now, however, the manufacturer has decided to go to the extreme. The Vaporesso Luxe XR Max is a device with a 2800mAh battery and 80W of power output. Despite almost doubling these parameters compared to the Luxe XR, the device maintains almost identical dimensions. They have grown only slightly to a still quite compact 106.5 x 32.1 x 26 mm. The kit remains friendly for complete beginners as well.

The design and ergonomics are based, for the most part, on the previous models. The exterior has been enriched with protruding, rounded edges for a better grip. However, the front of the device has been completely redesigned. New is the 0.54" OLED display located on the front. It is transparent and comes with a RGB LED backlight. Above the display you will find a glowing button, which also serves to control the user interface. It is further assisted by two touch buttons located below the display. On the right side of the device you will find a lever to adjust the airflow.

The heart of the whole device is the Axon chip with 80W power output and practical functions. The user interface is really simple to use. Pressing the button causes the glow (the device does not have an automatic draw). The device has a SMART mode with automatic detection of the installed coil, where the power is set for you. Double-clicking then jumps to the power adjustment mode for individual adjustment. Four clicks will then take you to the menu.

As far as glow types are concerned, you have the choice of a wide range of resistances in two options. The device is compatible with Luxe X cartridges with Corex technology and also with Luxe XR cartridges coupled with GTX PM80 and PM40 coils. You can choose DL, RDL, and MTL cartridges (but beware of the compatibility of the glow heads - specified for each cartridge).

Compatibility of GTX PM80 and PM40 heads for individual Luxe XR cartridges:
DL (DTL) cartridge: 0.15, 0.2 and 0.3 ohm PM80 Mesh
RDL cartridge: 0.4 and 0.6 ohm PM40 Mesh
MTL cartridge: 0.8 and 1.2 ohm PM40 Mesh; 1.2 ohm Regular PM40

Whichever of these options you choose, you're sure to be pleased with the 5ml capacity and convenient bottom fill via the rubber cap. Depending on the resistance, you can use either classic liquids or nicotine salts (however, we recommend avoiding them at lower resistances). The VG/PG ratio is classically 50/50. For resistances of 0.2 and 0.4 ohms we recommend 70/30.

The Luxe XR Max POD now enjoys up to 40% longer battery life compared to the regular Luxe XR thanks to its 2800 mAh battery capacity. The device features a USB-C port for easy and above all fast 2A charging.

Dimensions: 106.5 x 32.1 x 26 mm
Power: 80W
Battery: 2800mAh
0.54" OLED display.
RGB backlight
USB-C charging port
Compatible Ccartridges: Luxe X, Luxe XR
Compatible coils: GTX PM80/PM40

Package Contents:
1 x Luxe XR Max Pod
1 x Luxe XR DL Cartridge
1 x GTX Coil 0.2ohm
1 x GTX Coil 0.4ohm
1 x USB-C cable
1 x User manual

Manufacturer: Vaporesso
Product review
15 rating



Perfektná chuť a hlavne nič netečie












Super podání chuti. DL i MTL. Baterka parádní.


Doporučeno od profík v prodejně. A doporučil perfektně. S přítelkyní teď jen oči obracíme sloup jak umí krasne podat chuť. Díky moc ❤️


Suprové podání chuti, neteče ani kapka, dl hlavy zvládnou i řidší liquidy , slušná výdrž baterie, velký výběr žhavících hlav. Dl a rdl perfektní, mtl nezkoušeno.


Velmi kvalitní jsem spokojený


Hledím tak na svůj mod s RTA a říkám si, že už na něj asi nikdy nesáhnu. 0.4ohm hlava na 20W jenom srká náplň, přičemž chuť je velice výrazná. Takže si radši připlatím za tovární hlavy a ušetřím na náplních. Tyto mesh žhavící tělíska se zahřejí okamžitě a dávají podobný pocit jako dobře seřízené TC. Průchod vzduchu je velice dobře vyřešený. DL pod je opravdu DL, velmi volný potah. RDL pod je jen mírně přiškrcený, MTL z něj dostat nejde. Samozřejmě jde dokoupit i MTL pod. Luxe XR Max tak nabízí širokou škálu využití a lze jej považovat za plnohodnotnou alternativu velkého modu. Stojí míň než slušný mod, ale v ceně je i atomizér a baterie. Na to si nejde stěžovat.






Perfektní do ruky, přesně to, co jsem hledal - MTL i DL v jednom, jednoduchá výměna cartridge, vychytané řešení airflow, dlouhá výdrž baterie, tovární hlavy s výborným podáním chuti. Mohu jen doporučit.

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