
Tigertek Genji RDA

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Tigertek Genji is an RDA atomizer from the same manufacturer that comes with a perfect base for two coils and an improved airflow system for maximum enjoyment of the flavor produced.

Product description

The whole design is very simple, as with most RDA atomizers. So you don't have to worry about heavy maintenance, the atomizer consists of only a few parts. The main components include a wide mouthpiece for getting tasty vapor, while the basic package comes with a 510 type mouthpiece with a reducer, so you can narrow the mouth opening for the vapor output, thus enjoying a milder taste than with a wide mouthpiece.

The main elements, however, are hidden inside the atomiser. The body houses a new gold-plated base for two coils. Thanks to this, you can always enjoy the huge amount of vapour produced. The base will offer simplified assembly, simply unscrew the four screws from the posts and insert the two coils. Tighten lightly, insert the wool into the coils and you're done. Now all that's left to do is taste your favourite e-liquids.

As this is an RDA type atomizer, an excellent final taste is expected. For an even better taste, the atomizer is equipped with a bottom adjustable airflow system where you can control the resulting amount of vapor yourself. With the bottom airflow, air flows to the coils from below, giving an even better flavour delivery. A gold-plated 510-type thread is located at the bottom. This thread is replaceable. The RDA Tigertek Genji impresses above all with its variable airflow settings as well as its amazing flavour delivery. You will simply love the spiral fitting and you will adore the taste.

Product parameters:
Length: 28,8 mm
Diameter: 24.2 mm
Thread: 510

Package contents:
1x RDA atomizer Tigertek Genji
1x delrin 510 mouthpiece with adapter
1x spare parts kit

Manufacturer: Tigertek

Product parameters

Atomizer Type:
Atomizer Airflow:
Product review
6 rating

super !!!






Když dorazil, tak jsem byl mírně řečeno zaskočen. Protože RDA atík dorazil v RTA obalu stejné značky a já si upozornění vaporism v popisu produktu nevšiml. Víc mě ale n..r..o, že dorazil opatlenej od liquidu...hghrrrr Když jsem dosyčel a vychladl, tak jsem ho místo vrácení omyl a připravil do akce - protože vše výše zmýněné má na funkci prachbídný vliv. Nechutná z něj špatně, a bouřkový mraky jsem s ním vyčaroval dost slušný, tak jako ochutnávačka liquidů, nebo vlastních výtvorů vzhledem k tomu, že je dual coil a bazény jako olympijské fakt nejsou za těch pár šušňů fakt ****


Atomizer RDA dorazil to jako jo,funguje skvěle ale přišel v jiné krabičce,takže pokud ho budu chtít poslat dál tak k tomu nemám originál krabičku


Velmi dobrý kousek a za ty peníze zlatý ????

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