
The Vaping Gentlemen Club - 900 BF RDA - Stříbrná

142,80 € / Ks
118,03 € excl. VAT
Currently not available
The absolute high-end among MTL RDA atomizers with a quality of workmanship that is a complete benchmark in its category. You will also be pleased with the rich accessories and the BF pin for the possibility of mounting on squonk modes.

Product description

Atomizers from The Vaping Gentlemen Club need no further introduction. These are the absolute top of the range in terms of taste, quality of workmanship and customization options. With the 900's RDA BF MTL it is certainly no different. The Atomizer is the RDA Bottom-Feeder concept and is primarily designed for mouth-to-lung (MTL) coating. It is only 18mm in diameter and uses SS316L stainless steel for its construction.

The manufacturer has drawn on its extensive "know-how" in the manufacture of RTA and RDTA atomizers in the design of the atomizer. Whatever the atomiser, it draws on similar characteristics for good flavour delivery. With the 900 BF RDA, it is thus a really nice addition to the otherwise somewhat poorer range of high-end MTL RDA atomizers.

The manufacturer has focused on the chimney, specifically its shape, which is otherwise more typical of RTA atomizers, not RDAs. Another atypical feature is the lower spiral offset. The central airflow is really a rarity in RDA atomizers. Although the liquid reservoirs are small at first glance, they are deep. This is a solution where, despite the small size, the most constant liquid supply is ensured.

Another characteristic feature of the '900 is the possibility of using different stacks. Three are included in the package. They differ not only in appearance, but also in the internal volume of the vaporization chamber and the geometry of the vault. These features make it possible to achieve three completely different flavour profiles from the same liquid. Experimentation and imagination with the flavours are truly limitless.

The last special feature of the 900 is its drip tip, called the "21". This is modular and allows the placement of interchangeable "sleeves" so that it can be dressed in different materials.

Type of atomizer: MTL RDA
Diameter: 18mm
Materials: stainless steel SS316L, peek
Compatible with squonk fashion
Interchangeable stacks

Package Contents:
1x 900 BF RDA
1x "Winston" chimney (inner diameter 12 mm)
1x "Sigmund" chimney (inner diameter 13 mm).
1x "Albert" chimney  (inner diameter 14 mm)
1x Driptip "21" with African buffalo horn sheath
1x Mahogany stand (also serves as an accessory case for the atomizer)
1x Spare parts set
1x Stainless steel decorative ring
1x Torx screwdriver
1x Allen key
1x Certificate of Authenticity

Manufacturer: The Vaping Gentlemen Club

Product parameters

Atomizer Type:
Atomizer Airflow:
Product review
2 rating

Za mě jeden z nejlepší rda atomizérů co jsem kdy měl


Po pár sepnutí mi na Pulse 3 ukáže check atomizer,někdy to na jiném módu skúsim, jedině náústek je dobrý. Je potřeba tam dát 2 mm průměr drátu . Chuť tabakových je určite lepší než na BF 1 ,ale musel jsem se opět vrátit k flash .. mám se důvod bát zkratu ? Když je tam čip.

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