
SQUAPE A[Rise] RTA 22mm MTL atomizer

195,90 € / Ks
161,88 € excl. VAT
Restocking in few days
The SQuape A[Rise] 22mm is an updated and smaller version of the legendary 2020 atomizer of the same name. It is also an anniversary model to celebrate 10 years. In celebrating 10 years, the manufacturer decided that the new 22mm version would be a pure reference to their origins - an amazing MTL experience.

Product description


Its strengths include the now commonplace quality and perfect workmanship. With this, they have created the perfect RTA that minimizes leakage even under extreme conditions and offers a great taste experience that stands at the imaginary top of high-end atomizers. In order to provide maximum individualization of the atomizer expression within the MTL coating, the SQuape A[Rise] 22mm offers the possibility to adjust the airflow intensity. This is taken care of by interchangeable air nozzles, the so-called air nozzles with diameters from 0.8mm to 2.5mm.


As is usual with SQuape atomizers, you can look forward to a perfect single-coil base that is detailed down to the last detail. The build is therefore easy and forgiving of small mistakes. The closed system allows you to close the juice flow to the coil, so you can take the whole tank off the base without having to pour out the excess liquid. The manufacturer recommends using coils with resistances between 0.5-2 ohms and wattages between 7-28W for optimal atomizer operation. Using higher wattages may cause unnecessary overheating of the atomizer.

Package contents:
1x SQuape A [rise] 22mm
1x SQuip Tip A 22mm MTL
1x MTL Kit (air nozzles 0,8; 1,0; 1,5 and 2,0mm)
1x SQ Grip Band
1x 3mm Allen wrench
1x Spare screws
1x Spare o-rings
1x Manual

Diameter: 22mm
Height: 36mm
Weight: 45g
Thread type: 510
Materials: SS316L, PSU, POM, anodized aluminum

Manufacturer: StattQualm GmbH (Switzerland)

Product parameters

Atomizer Type:
Atomizer Airflow:
Product review
3 rating

U mne druhý v pořadí hned po Arcana 22


Jediná výtka, vata v osazení je zasviněná už po 1,5 dne. Podání chuti vynikající, přes buchtičky a ovocné příchuti.


Parádní atomizér, hned první build mi sedl parádně a popravdě naposledy jsem byl nadšený tak jako z tohoto atíku, když jsem si pořídil coronu. Skvělé podaní chuti, lehké osazení, jednoduchá práce s plněním, oceňuji možnost uzávěrky přívodu liquidu a parádní možnost dokoupit rozšíření na 5ml a další přislušenství.

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