
SmokerStore Taifun GX RDTA - 4ml

187,70 € / Ks
155,14 € excl. VAT
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The anticipated 4ml version of the Taifun GX topcoiler atomizer is finally available! Compared to the 2ml version, it is supplied by two steel cables. The solution used guarantees the possibility of using the tank until the last drop of e-liquid.

Product description

Please note: The Atomizer may contain traces of liquid after testing by the manufacturer!

At first glance, you will be struck by the massive ribbing at the top of the atomizer, which serves as an effective boiler room cooling system. This is made entirely of stainless steel and, thanks to its conical shape, helps to transfer the flavour of the e-liquid well. The typical Smokerstore single coil build deck allows for the fitting of even massive clapton coils. The bottom part consists of a 4ml e-liquid tank.


The adjustable side air inlets lead to the coil and guarantee excellent flavour transfer. Filling is done via the side opening and thanks to this the atomizer cannot leak. In the case of the Taifun GX, two channels designed to accommodate the supply elements serve as the e-liquid supply to the vape. In addition to the pre-installed steel cables, you can also use the mesh that is included in the package and possibly also the cotton wool and thus use the Taifun GX as a classic RDTA tank.


With its 23mm diameter, the Taifun GX is perfect for both regulated MODs and mechanics. The steel mouthpiece has a wide enough diameter for vapor extraction and aesthetically forms one unit with the atomizer. With the air intake open to the maximum, the Taifun GX's expression can be compared to the popular GT IV, but with a whole new rendering of the taste of your favorite e-liquid!

Package includes:
1x Taifun GX RDTA
2x Mesh for liquid transfer
1x O-ring kit and tools
1x Manual
Diameter: 23mm
Volume: 4ml
Materials: Stainless steel 304
Thread: 510
Colour: Silver

Manufacturer: SmokerStore GmbH (Germany)

Product parameters

Airflow type:
Atomizer Type:
Atomizer Airflow:
Motací základna atomizéru:
Product review
3 rating

Jak je řečeno níže, trochu vaty natlačit kolem lanek a je to fakt boží.. Plnění je zajímavé a celkem pro mě pohodlné, chce to trochu víc tlačit na díru a pak je to hodně čistá práce.


Chuť je naprosto fenomenální, nikdy neteče, jen to nesmíte buildovat jednou vatou, ale potřebujete tři kousky. dva kousky okolo lanek a jeden kus do spirálky. Zkoušel jsem jako Godwin a vždy protekl, pak jsem koukl na Klause a dělá to se třemi kusy. Takže kromě složitějšího buildu je to naprostá pecka.


Jediné mínus je, že se tam vejdou jen 4ml ????

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