Pro Vape - Heroes - Fist Of Vape 20ml Longfill
Product description
Pro Vape presents another best-selling line of premium e-liquids, this time called Heroes. These are our childhood favorite and most watched heroes. We gave every one its unique features in both flavor and design for your entertainment and sweet memories. Each bottle is a true piece of art – from packaging to delicious liquid filling and label design. What else is here to say – a true hero never gives up!
Packaging: 60ml Chubby Gorilla Bottle
Concentrate volume: 20ml
Maturation time: 1-2 days
Storage: Store in dry and cool place
Ingredients: Propylene glycol, aroma
Manufacturer: Pro Vape, Latvia
The concentrate is not immediately ready for use! It should be diluted before use.
Product parameters
Pecka příchuť. Dostal jsem takovou segalovku do pusy. Kdo nekoupí, prohloupi
Vše bylo v pořádku moc děkuji aroma je super vata taktéž
Kyselkavý chladivý hrozen se sladkým zakončením zralé borůvky.