Charger for Li-ion batteries and NiMH Xtar VC4
Product description
• Charging of a three-stage processor-controlled Li-ion battery charging process TC/CC/CV
• Charging of Ni-MH rechargeable batteries by CC method
• Four independent charging channels
Max. Charging current 1A
• LCD display for link voltage and charging current
• Informs about the current used to charge-the ability to measure the capacity of the cell (measurement error ± 5%)
• Powered by any USB charger with USB port or from a computer's USB socket
• Reactivation function of deeply discharged cells
• Protection: Short-circuit, thermal, reverse polarity
VC4 is a professional processor loader with three-stage charging process TC/CC/CV and LCD display. It charges 1-4 Li-ion 3.6/3, 7V and Ni-MH cells with any capacity in the sizes AAA/R03, AA/R6, 10440, 14500, 14650, 16340, 17500, 17670, 18350, 18500, 18650, 18700. In the two extreme channels it is possible to charge the batteries in sizes R14, R20, 20700, 21700, 22650, 25500, 26650, 32650.
Xtar VC4 LED backlit LCD display keeps track of the operating status of the charger: battery charging voltage, charging current, load used to charge cells, indicates Errors and informs you that the charging is complete. At the same time, the current operating status for two channels is displayed. Switching between the other two channels is possible with the CH button on the charger housing. Information on the load used can be used to measure the capacity of the batteries. To measure the capacity of the battery, it must be discharged to the appropriate voltage cut-off level (typically 2, 5V for Li-ion, 0, 9V for Ni-MH) and put into the VC4 charger. When charging is complete, you can read the value of the charge used to charge the battery. This will Always be a value of 3-5% higher than the actual battery capacity. Due to the fact that the charging process of batteries is never in 100% efficient, ie. A slightly larger load is needed to charge the battery than the actual cell capacity is.
The maximum charging current is 1A and is only available for two extreme channels and only when the middle channels are not used. The batteries in the middle channels are always loaded with a 0, 5A current. When charging 3 or 4 batteries, the VC4 charges all batteries with a 0, 5A current.
What Is THE TC/CC/CV charging method? It is a three-step process of loading Li-ion cells to keep the cell in good condition by charging the right current at each stage and completing the charging process at the right moment.
The various stages of the TC/CC/CV process are:
• TC phase: Cells discharged below 2, 9V are ' awake ' to lower currents.
• CC phase: When 2, 9V is reached, the cell is loaded with a constant current of 0, 1A to 1A (depending on the power source used and the number of batteries charged).
• CV phase: When the cell is already nearly charged, the charger switches to a decreasing current charge until it reaches a voltage of 4, 2V on the cell. After reaching 4, 2V the charging process is complete-the battery is fully charged.
When left in the charger, the charged batteries will be subjected to a natural self-discharge process. Charging the Li-ion battery will resume when the battery voltage drops below the
3, 9V. For Ni-MH rechargeable batteries, charging is not resumed with a drop in voltage resulting from self-discharge.
The Xtar VC4 Charger has a function of reactivating deeply discharged cells and cells with a Voltage Of 0v. Many chargers on the market are not able to charge such batteries. Here with the help comes the charger Xtar VC4, which in many cases allows you to ' resave ' such cells. Just insert a deeply discharged battery into the VC4 charger, as with normal charging, the charger detects the unloaded link and attempts to reactivate it. Attention! Cells unloaded below a certain level are irreversible and reactivated may not be possible. Excessive discharge of Li-ion and Ni-MH batteries should be avoided-this may lead to a significant reduction in their durability and capacity or to their total malfunction.
Included with the Xtar VC4 charger, we GET a USB cable. The power supply is not Included In the set. Any charger with a USB cable, for example, is enough to power the charger. Phone, or USB port or a computer with a free USB socket. The recommended power of the USB power adapter is 2, 1A (2100mA). It is possible to use a weaker power supply, the VC4 will adjust the charging current to the power source.
Parádní a bezstarostná nabíječka
Dokonalá. Ostatní nabíječky jsem vyhodil nebo daroval. Tuto používám denně. Spokojenost
Podle mně skvělá precizní nabíječka, umí natlačit do článku co se jen do něj vejde :) V modech už nenabíjím.
Zatím dělá co má. I po proměření vše vypadá dle deklarací výrobce.
good buy
spkojenost kvalita, cena tichý chod
Absence adaptéru nevadí, každý snad má doma 2A nabíječku na mobil. Potenciálním problémem je spíš kabel s nestandardním konektorem na straně nabíječky - když ho ztratíte, jste nejspíš v pytli.
Za tu cenu je to výborná nabíječka (pro nenáročné dostačující)! Je rozhodně lepší si připlatit za verzi XTAR DRAGON VP4 Plus!
Nabíječku jsem si koupil z důvodu, že se mi podařilo úplně vybít 4 akumulátory dva 21700 a dva 20700. Původní nabíječka je nezvládala nabít.U této nabíječky výrobce uvádí,že asi po 10minutách aktivace přejde do nabíjení. U mých totálně vybitých článků se to ani po 45minutách nepovedlo.Tak jsem je nechal asi hodinu odpočinout a po opětovném vložení do nabíječky se už začaly nabíjet a nabíječka je nabila na plnou kapacitu. Díky ní jsem ušetřil nemalý peníz za akumulátory.Měřák kapacity neudává jakou kapacitu má akumulátor ale pouze energii kterou mu dodala.Je to perfektní nabíječka za dobrý peníz.Vřele doporučuji,zvládla to, v co jsem nedoufal.
Za mě super
super nabíječka, jen ten adapter by mohl výrobce dodávat k tomu.
Škoda, že součástí balení není i adapter, jinak SUPER.
Zatím super
dobra nabíječka.
Funguje jak má, přehledný displej, napájení z USB.. spokojenost... škoda, že výrobce nedodává v balení adaptér do sítě (220V)
Za ty peníze super, oživí i téměř mrtvý článek.