
Lost Vape Centaurus Q200 200W MOD

Silver Teak Wood
Colour: Silver Teak Wood
Product availability
Sold Out
53.0 € / Ks
43.82 € excl. VAT
Gunmetal Walnut Wood
Colour: Gunmetal Walnut Wood
Product availability
Sold Out
53.0 € / Ks
43.82 € excl. VAT
 Gold Teak Wood
Colour: Gold Teak Wood
Product availability
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53.0 € / Ks
43.82 € excl. VAT
Sierra Blue Carbon Fiber
Colour: Sierra Blue Carbon Fiber
Product availability
Currently not available
53.0 € / Ks
43.82 € excl. VAT
Matte Red Carbon Fiber
Colour: Matte Red Carbon Fiber
Product availability
Sold Out
53.0 € / Ks
43.82 € excl. VAT
Black Carbon Fiber
Colour: Black Carbon Fiber
Product availability
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53.0 € / Ks
43.82 € excl. VAT
Barva: Sakura Pink Wave Pastel
Colour: Sakura Pink Wave Pastel
Product availability
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53.0 € / Ks
43.82 € excl. VAT
Barva: Royal Blue Wave Coral
Colour: Royal Blue Wave Coral
Product availability
Sold Out
53.0 € / Ks
43.82 € excl. VAT
A legendary grip from a legendary company in an affordable Quest!

Product description

After the success of the Centaurus grip with the DNA chip and the success of the more affordable, but still high-end Quest series, the next logical step has come, and that is the Centaurus Quest! A luxury feel with the hallmark of exclusivity, featuring a cheaper but no less capable chip. The Quest series chipset has stable power output and fires up absolutely instantly, so you can rely on it at any time. Of course, the chip comes with all the standard protections and tweaks such as TC, Bypass, Voltage and VPC modes. Up to 200W of power will ensure that you won't run out of atomizer before you run out of power. Oh, and when your Centaurus runs out of batery, you can charge both 18650 batteries quickly using the USB-C charger.


Its design is typical of Lost Vape. Sharp edges and a massive look that is nevertheless beautifully elegant.  Its simple style directly encourages you to fit both simple and bolder atomizers, it simply goes with everything, even with its 26mm width!

ATTENTION! Package does not include batteries, 18650 batteries can be found here and must be purchased separately. For proper operation you need a battery with a discharge current of at least 25A.

Package contents:
1x Lost Vape Centaurus Q200 
1x Metal pick
1x USB-C cable
1x User manual
1x Warranty card

Dimensions: 55mm x 26mm x 91mm
Weight: 175g
Batteries: 2x 18650
Power: 5-200W
Material: zinc alloy, stainless steel

Manufacturer: Lost Vape
Product review
8 rating









Velmi dokonalé zpracování módu. Kvalitní čip od Evol. Není co vytknout, možná vylepšit dysplay.


Za ty prachy je to naprostá pecka. Konečně mám fakt dobrej Modík za pár korun. Nastavení zvládne každý a je dost intuitivní.




Můj, první vape. I pro naprostýho amatéra supr, nijak složitý, prostě pecka :)

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