The Hope Juice line of longfill flavours is brought to us by the well-known Czech vapeshop LaVape. Hope - for a quality product. The aim was to introduce to the Czech market well processed flavours with a true taste of the ingredients represented.
These products will certainly enrich the somewhat poor offer due to excise duty and other restrictions. The emphasis in production is on the highest possible quality.
Hope Juice longfill flavours come in a 60ml Chubby Gorilla bottle which contains 10ml of flavour. Simply add a base or booster, shake and you have a supply of great e-liquid in no time!
Electronic cigarettes
Flavours for mixing liquids
PG-VG base and nicotine
Flavour concentrates
Longfill concentrates
- Ovocné
- Tabákové
- Sladké
- Mentolové
- Nápojové
- Ostatní
Podle výrobce
Adam´s Vape (CZ)
- Al Carlo (CAN)
- Aramax (CZE)
- Barly (CZ)
Bombo (ES)
- Cake Me Up (CZE)
Charlies Chalk Dust
- Chill Pill (MY)
- CoolniSE (CZ)
Dinner Lady (UK)
- Drippin Party
- Egoist (SVN)
Flavormonks (BE)
- Frutie (CZ)
- Hope Juice
I Love VG (UK)
Imperia (CZ)
Infamous (HR)
Juice Sauz (GB)
Just Juice (GB)
- Kick IT (CZ)
La Tabaccheria (IT)
- LAvape Liquid (PL)
- Liqua (CZ)
- Monkey Liquid (CZ)
- OhF (GB)
PJ Empire (AU)
Pro Vape (LV)
Riot Squad (UK)
- Ripe Vapes (USA)
TI Juice (CZ)
- TobGun (CZ)
Vampire Vape (GB)
- Vape Fest
- ZAP! Juice (UK)
Adam´s Vape (CZ)
PG-VG base and nicotine
Atomizers, replacement coils and cartridges
DIY atomizers