Flavour TI Juice Cukrárna Vanilla Rolls 10ml LongFill
11 €
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9,07 € excl. VAT
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Vanilla rolls - An absolute Czech classic, mixing delicious vanilla and a mix of walnuts and hazelnuts in a soft dough.
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Product description
TI Juice is a traditional manufacturer of complex flavours. The new additions to the Christmas Confectionery range offer amazing and sophisticated dessert flavours. You can look forward to the authentic desserts you know and love from traditional patisseries. A classic at TI Juice is the incredible flair for combining flavours, making for a flavour that is nicely balanced, not too sweet and you won't want to stop. Whether you're a "bun" fan or just want to try something new, the Christmas Confectionery has something to suit your taste.
The quality of the flavours is guaranteed by the many years of experience of TI Juice producers. Of course, the maximum quality of all the ingredients used and absolute precision is a matter of course, so you can always enjoy the flavour in the same way.
Recommended dosage: supplement with base
Volume: 10ml (60ml dropper bottle)
Recommended maturation time: 5 days
Manufacturer: TI Juice
The quality of the flavours is guaranteed by the many years of experience of TI Juice producers. Of course, the maximum quality of all the ingredients used and absolute precision is a matter of course, so you can always enjoy the flavour in the same way.
Recommended dosage: supplement with base
Volume: 10ml (60ml dropper bottle)
Recommended maturation time: 5 days
Manufacturer: TI Juice
František Fučík
Jan Rychtar
Petr Forst
Taková hubnoucí kůra. Nízkokalorické rohlíčky. Miluju rohlíčky a zde je ta příchuť doopravdy trefená, jak se říká do černého. Sladká výrazná chuť. Více zanáší spirálu, ale to se dá čekat. Palec nahoru.
Chuť moc dobrá, rohlíčková. Rychle zanáší spirálku.
David Husárik
Perfektní cítíte cukr a to těsto plné vlašsaku. Spíše mi to ale připomíná tlapky ty měli v sobě většinou více ořechu
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