
Flavour LAvape Liquid no.8 The Hazelnut Wood SnV 10/60ml

14,20 € / Ks
11,77 € excl. VAT
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We are a community! So let us introduce the first flavour in the Noček series, where the flavour brief was provided by youtuber Frostdreew. He wanted our signature Wood tab and a distinctive hazelnut. A flavor that intertwines a ton of hazelnut with our synthetic snuff. You vape the hazelnut spread for a while and then suddenly the tobacco.

Product description

We have wanted to have LAvape Liquid in our portfolio for a long time, but there are things that need to be "fleshed out". We would be very happy if you let us know how satisfied you are with our flavours. We are developing them together with the Polish company Chemnovatic, which meets the strictest production and hygiene standards.

It tastes great at any time of the day. Whether you mix it with a classic nicotine or a flip, you won't go wrong.

Recommended dosage: just top up with base or booster.
Recommended aging time: 7 days
Volume: 10 ml (60 ml plastic bottle with dropper)

Manufacturer: Chemnovatic, Poland


This is not a standalone ready-made flavour!

This product is intended for home mixing of electronic cigarette refills only!

This product is intended for use in e-cigarettes only.

This product contains nicotine and is unsuitable for pregnant and nursing mothers, non-smokers and minors!

Product parameters

Sweet Flavours:
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