
Dovpo Ayce Pro POD 30W 1000mAh

Black Carbon
Colour: Black Carbon
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30.6 € / Ks
25.27 € excl. VAT
Nacre Blue
Colour: Nacre Blue
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30.6 € / Ks
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Nacre Silver
Colour: Nacre Silver
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30.6 € / Ks
25.27 € excl. VAT
A very user-friendly POD device with a great price/performance ratio. It offers a clear OLED display, solid build quality, auto-draw, air control and a large, 1000mAh battery.

Product description

Dovpo is no newcomer to the field of POD devices. Its new venture in the form of the Ayce Pro POD has something to appeal. The device offers automatic draw , up to 30W of power, 1000mAh integrated battery, draw stiffness control, OLED display and a truly excellent flavor delivery.

The POD device is made of zinc alloy (device frame) and plastic. The design of the model is very minimalistic and the quality of workmanship is very high despite the price of the device. The dimensions are: 115.1mm x 25mm x 14.5mm. Its dimensions thus fit into any pocket and a comfortable grip does not cause a problem. The weight is only 63g.

The device has an OLED display. It shows the selected power, battery status, cartridge resistance and number of draws. Just below the display you will also find the fire button for controlling the user interface and for draw. There is also an automatic draw and LED notification. A slider to adjust the draw stiffness is present and can be found on the right side.

To operate, the device is equipped with a chip that provides a maximum power of up to 30W, standard protection features, fast charging of the built-in 1000mAh battery via the USB-C port in the base. It will provide you with a long time even for all-day vaping and if needed, the device can be recharged by 5V/1A charging.

Supported cartridges are the Ayce cartridges. You can choose from 0.6 and 0.8 ohm resistances. Both types have a volume of 2ml and a top filling, which is hidden under the flip-up mouthpiece. The ignition head in them features mesh technology and thus provides a very good flavour delivery. If required, the device is also compatible with all Oxva Xlim cartridges (except 0.4 ohm resistance). However, the edge of the Xlim cartridge is slightly higher. This may result in a smaller gap over the edge of the device.

Dimensions: 115.1mm x 25mm x 14.5mm
Weight: 63g
Output power range: 5W - 30W
Cartridge capacity: 2ml
Battery: 1000mAh built-in
OLED display
Charging: USB-C 5V/1A
Materials used: Plastic (PC), PCTG, zinc alloy

Package contents
1x Dovpo Ayce Pro POD device
1x Ayce Cartridge (0.6Ω)
1x Ayce Cartridge (0.8Ω)
1x USB-C charging cable
1x User Manual

Manufacturer: Dovpo
Product review
3 rating

Ač má oproti Oxva Xlim Pro menší baterii o 300mAh, tak má úplně stejnou výdrž.


nema chybu...vyhovuje...skvely POD



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