
dotMod DotStick 1650mAh starter kit

Barva: Černá
Colour: Black
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67.3 € / Ks
55.62 € excl. VAT
Barva: Červená
Colour: Red
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Sold out / Production stopped
67.3 € / Ks
55.62 € excl. VAT
Barva: Modrá
Colour: Blue
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67.3 € / Ks
55.62 € excl. VAT
Barva: Zlatá
Colour: Gold
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67.3 € / Ks
55.62 € excl. VAT
dotMod DotStick 1650mAh is the second version of the compact electronic cigarette in a high end design that will be appreciated by both novice e-smokers and advanced vapers.

Product description

Please note: the manufacturer's box says the battery has a capacity of 1450mAh, this is just a printing error by the manufacturer.

Get ready for a sleek body made of aerospace-grade aluminium and an unmistakable look in dotMod's corporate colours. The body of the dotStick battery is now complete with an integrated 1650mAh battery and features a 510 thread. The entire kit features a compact 22mm diameter and fits perfectly in the hand.

The intelligent electronics that premiered in dotAIO allows for the setting of three power levels with automatic atomizer resistance detection. There is also a Bypass mode that simulates a mechanical MOD using a direct battery voltage output. Especially beginner e-smokers will also appreciate the temperature control mode, which can be activated in combination with a 1ohm glow head. Thanks to this, the dotMod dotStick electronic cigarette will automatically reduce the power to a minimum when there is a lack of e-liquid and thus protect the glowing head against burning.


The DotStick atomizer was inspired by the popular dotMTL RTA atomizer and features a stepless bottom airflow control in nine steps. New 0.7ohm ignition heads for MTL and the original 0.4ohm for DL vaping are included. The polycarbonate body allows for constant control of the remaining e-liquid supply. The clearomizer is also fitted with the new Dotmod Whistle mouthpiece.

The luxurious look and high-end craftsmanship, headed by advanced features, make the dotMod DotStick both an ideal entry into the world of vaping for beginners and a great backup device and a must-have for all dotMod e-cigarette collectors.

The package includes:
1x DotStick clearomizer
1x DotStick body with 1650mah battery
1x 0.4ohm ignition head
1x 0.7ohm ignition head
1x USB-C charging cable

Dimensions: 22 x 103.4 mm
Volume: 2ml
Thread: 510
Charging: USB-C

Color: Black/Gold/Red/Blue

Manufacturer: dotMod (USA)

Product review
9 rating



Jsem nad míru spokojen.






Super vzhled ve zlaté barvě , náročnější dolívání náplně ., Dobře podá chutě , a baterie vydrží dlouho po 100% mi vydrží i den a půl , jako dobrý kousek ale myslím jsi za tu cenu dnes seženete něco lepšího ještě chtělo by to lepší atomizér .


Nádherný design, skvělé provedení! Mohu jen doporučit!






Nejlepší pen-style e-cigareta kterou jsem kdy měl. Konečně někdo při vytváření něčeho přemýšlel je to fakt povedený a překrásný design. Ano je trochu dražší ale hned je poznat proč.

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