PG-VG bases are main carrier compounds, necessary for DIY e-juice preparation. In addition to its flavour carrier function, it also affects thickness of vape clouds. PG-VG bases are based on propylene glycol and vegetable glycerine, mixed in different ratio.
Propylene glycol (PG) is a sparse substance, which can seamlessly carry flavour.
Vegetable glycerine (VG), is a dense substance with poor flavour carry ability, but positively affects overall density of e-juice and thickness of vape clouds.
Nicotine boosters are small PG-VG bases with added amount of concentrated nicotine. They are used for e-juice saturation by mixing together with PG-VG base and flavour concentrate.
Nikotinové boostery jsou založené na bázi, ta je však doplněna o koncentrované množství nikotinu. Jsou tak určeny pro smíchání s bází a příchutí. Množstvím přidaných boosterů lze snadno ovlivnit množství nikotinu ve výsledném e-liquidu.