
Atomiser Digiflavor Espresso 22 - 2ml

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12.2 € / Ks
10.09 € excl. VAT
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12.2 € / Ks
10.09 € excl. VAT
For some people, it's the clouds of vapour that are most important when vaping, for others it's the taste. If taste is what interests you most, you should be familiar with the Digiflavor brand.

Product description

After the very popular MTL RTA Siren comes the low-resistance tank on factory heads. Introducing the Espresso 22, which is not just another tank in the line, but boasts more than one innovation.

The biggest new feature is the genesis-style design, with the e-liquid inlet holes at the bottom of the glow head, while the actual coil with the rest of the wattage is at the top. This design, together with the Clapton Ni80 and 6J40 clapton coils, ensures exceptional flavour delivery. The glow head itself houses a single coil, can be partially disassembled and experienced users can replace the cotton in the coil themselves.

The glow head screws onto the top base where the air supply control is also located. The body of the Esporesso 22 is thus sealed, which prevents e-liquid leakage. Of course, there is also a practical top filling.

Package contents and parameters:
1x Digiflavor Espresso 22
1x GVC 0.2Ω (40W-60W) coil
1x GVC 0.4Ω (25W-45W) coil
Spare parts

The contents of the package may still be specified.

Dimensions: 50mm x 22mm (including mouthpiece)
Capacity: 2ml
Material: stainless steel and Pyrex
Thread: 510

Manufacturer: Digiflavor

Product parameters

Atomizer Type:
Atomizer Airflow:
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