
Atom Vapes Revolver Reloaded 2 Mech RDTA Kit

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Mechanical AIO set for 18650 batteries with integrated RDTA atomizer and unconventional way of liquid refilling.

Product description

Package contents and photos may be updated prior to sale.

Unfortunately, mechanical mods are a category that manufacturers are giving less and less space to. Although the Revolver Reloaded 2 from Atom Vapes is an older piece, we are happy to expand our offerings with it. It is an AIO set of mechanical mode and integrated RDTA atomizer. The atomizer will offer a 4ml capacity and the patented "DRIPT" filling system. The device is then powered by one 18650 cell (not included).

The device is hand assembled and coated. The body is made from a single piece of metal except for the topcap and battery cap, with extra texture for a better grip. In terms of design, the device, apart from the manufacturer's graphics, is in a rather simple style. The RDTA atomizer is fully integrated into the device. It cannot be replaced. The design of the power button is pretty much a standard metal spring-loaded activator for mechanics. The button itself is externally coated with stabilized wood.

The RDTA atomizer offers a dual-coil velocity build deck. The entire atomizer section, for better conductivity, is plated with 24k gold. The atomizer tank has a 4ml capacity and a patented, "DRIPT" filling system. You can fill the atomizer through the cotton compartment as standard, however the "DRIPT" system offers a much more user friendly solution. Simply remove the topcap of the atomizer and insert the dropper of the vial into the central column of the atomizer. When inserting the dropper you will feel/hear a slight click and you are ready to fill. The filling hole will then close by itself.

The air access to the atomizer is lateral. It is regulated by turning the atomizer body. There are two types of holes to choose from. One setting allows for maximum air intake, the other is about half the air intake and the coating is thus considerably pinched.

WARNING: This mechanical mod is for experienced users only. Non-expert use could result in battery explosion and injury.

Dimentions: 121 x 24 mm
Type of mode: mechanical
Atomiser type: RDTA
Capacity: 4ml
Coil deck: dual-coil, velocity
Battery: 1x 18650 (not included)

Package Contents:
1 x Revolver Reloaded 2 Mech
2 x Ni80 Clapton coil 0.4 ohm
1 x spare 510 drip tip
1 x spare gasket set
1 x set of replacement springs
1 x replacement ultem glass
1 x spare coloured glass

Manufacturer: Atom Vapes

Product parameters

Type of mode:
Method of Firing:
Battery count:
Atomizer Type:
Type of battery:
Atomizer Airflow:
Product review
10 rating

Rozhodně nekupovat tu bronzovou/měděnou verzi. Chytá to takovou tu zelenou oxidaci, která je jedovatá. Koupil jsem 2. Jednu tu měděnou, druhou černo červenou. Zpracování je luxusní a design je nádherný. V balení jsou barevná náhradní skla a těsnění. Je to krásný výrobek, za ty prachy je to naprostý luxus. Ale tu měděnou nekupovat!!.


No po rozbalení ale aj krabička je pekná som sa veľmi potešil aké je to ťažké a masívne. Nemusím sa bat že sa mi to v ruke rozpadne. Umyl som si ju osadil a na prví dobrusami podarilo vybagrovat také mraky ala smuuuttthhh a chuť na jednotku. Za takú cenu je to moje must vape a must have. Ak budem objednávať zas nejaké super liquidy tak si ešte jednu prihodim. Za mňa perfektná mašinka na domáce pohodové vapovanie a robenie krúžkov. Hádam sa ich už s týmto strojom naučím. ???????????????? za mňa super pre každého kto miluje vape na pohodičku. ????????????????????










Za ty prachy se to fakt hodí. Čekal jsem nějaký nekvalitní výrobek, ale tohle je výborné a taky krásné na pohled. Je to povedený kousek. Dávám maximální hodnocení.


Tohle mě chybělo do mé sbírky mechanik je to super mech mod a jenom za 100 proč to nebrat o hodně přicházíte když ho nemáte doma :)





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