
Aspire Nautilus GT Kit

Barva: Gun Metal
Colour: Gun Metal
Product availability
Sold out / Production stopped
65.3 € / Ks
53.94 € excl. VAT
Barva: Rose gold
Colour: Rose gold
Product availability
Sold out / Production stopped
53.0 € / Ks
43.82 € excl. VAT
Barva: Stříbrná
Colour: Silver
Product availability
Sold out / Production stopped
65.3 € / Ks
53.94 € excl. VAT
The Aspire Nautilus GT kit represents the rebirth of a legendary line for a premium vaping experience in conjunction with the high end manufacturer SmokerStore from Germany! Top-notch craftsmanship coupled with a unique e-liquid flavor delivery makes the Nautilus GT the clear choice for all MTL vapers who don't want to compromise.

Product description

The Aspire Nautilus GT MOD is designed for a single 18650 battery that provides up to 75W of power. You'll love the simple controls, led by a clear 0.91" OLED display and superior ergonomics. The battery is secured by a robustly designed cover and charging is handled by a USB-C port that can handle up to 2A charging current and recharging will be a matter of moments. Of course, there are all the protection features of the chip, including protection against overheating, short circuit and undervoltage of the battery. A nice extra feature is the two-step locking, where three quick clicks of the activation button will turn off the display and control buttons, but the MOD will still glow. Of course, there is also the classic full lock of the device using a five-click button.


Included in the package you will find the Aspire Nautilus GT clearomizer, which delivers a completely unique high-end experience in the atomizer segment for factory heads. The unique Taifun GT style design looks stunning at first glance. From the precision bottom air intake that eliminates any possibility of air leakage on the way to the coil with five adjustment options ranging from 1mm to 2.5mm to the ultimate 510 mouthpiece, you can look forward to the best experience a factory head atomizer could ever offer. Air regulation is done in incremental steps with a precise click to indicate the appropriate diameter setting. The top-fill design allows you to refill the clearomizer with up to a full 2ml of e-liquid in no time.


At the heart of the Aspire Nautilus GT are the legendary Nautilus BVC glow heads. Included in the package you will find the latest evolution in the form of 0.7ohm mesh for 20-25W output and 1.6ohm for a proper MTL experience in the low power range between 7-10W. Of course, full compatibility with the full range of BVC atomizers is a must, including a special glow head for nicotine salt based refills (NicSalt).

The collaboration between Aspire and SmokerStore has resulted in a cutting-edge device that impresses in both appearance and ergonomics. The MOD's supremely simple user interface and the tank's superior flavor rendering of e-liquid will be appreciated by both novice e-smokers and advanced vapers alike.

Contents of the package
1x Aspire Glint 50W MOD
1x Aspire Nautilus GT Tank
1x 0.7ohm (18W-23W) ignition head
1x 1.6ohm (7W-11W) glow head
1x USB-C cable
1x gasket set

Parameters Glint MOD:
Dimensions: 78mm x 45mm x 25mm
Adjustable wattage: 1W-75W
Supported modes: VW
Battery: 18650 (not included)
Charging: USB-C port
Thread: 510 and cushioned contact

Nautilus GT Parameters:
24mm diameter
Capacity: 2ml
Thread: 510
Material: stainless steel and glass

Color: Silver / Gunmetal / Rose Gold

Manufacturer: aSpire / SmokerStore GmbH

Product parameters

Method of Firing:
Battery count:
Type of battery:
Atomizer Airflow:
Vaping Modes:
Product review
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