
Aspire Cyber G Slim POD kit 1200mAh

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12.2 € / Ks
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A new Pod device from the proven Aspire company with a unique look and premium flavour delivery on both MTL and RDL draw.

Product description

Affordable, small and extremely beautiful, the Aspire Cyber G Slim electronic cigarette will become your everyday vaping companion. It fits comfortably in your pocket and bag and despite its smaller size, it comes with a built-in 1200mAh battery that will keep you comfortably enjoying premium vaping all day long on a single charge. And when you need to charge the battery, there's a USB-C port on the bottom of the e-cigarette. The beautiful design with unique color variations makes the Aspire Cyber G Slim not only a practical and reliable companion, but also a beautiful accessory different from ordinary electronic cigarettes.

There is power in simplicity and Aspire Cyber G Slim proves it. You won't find a display, a button or complicated settings, in fact, just charge the battery, fill up the e-liquid pod and you're ready to vape. That's how simple it is. Just take a drag from the mouthpiece thanks to the auto-activated draw and enjoy a nice tight mouth-to-lung draw. All this with a compact and lightweight e-cigarette with a touch-friendly surface and easy controls that make the Aspire Cyber G Slim the perfect e-cigarette for a beginner.

In addition to the battery, you will also find one plastic pod in the package. This is a 2ml reservoir that fills with e-liquid through a silicone cap and carries an already built-in glow head. So in case of wear and tear you don't have to replace anything complicated, you simply slide out the old pod and insert the new one into the battery. The high quality mesh coil ensures trouble-free glowing, providing instant ignition and even vaporization for a superior vaping experience. The Aspire Cyber G Slim is a great choice for the casual vaper looking for simplicity and quality.

116.7mm x 19.3mm.
Volume: 2ml
Output voltage: constant 3.4V
Battery: 1200mAh
Charging: USB-C port (5V/0.5A)
Contact: magnetic
Vaping: automaticaly activated by draw

Package Contents:
1x Aspire Cyber G Slim battery
1x Aspire TG pod 0.8Ω 2ml
1x USB-C cable

Manufacturer: Aspire

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8 rating









+ dobře tahá + rychlé plnění + nabíjení přes USB C takže nepotřebuju další kabel + barevná indikace stavu baterie - velmi malá výdrž baterie - poměrně dost spotřebovává liquid Na jeden večer u piva zkrátka nestačí a je fajn s sebou mít všude powerbanku a dostatek náplně.







Lukáš Kůžela

Dobrý den. Zakoupil jsem si tento pod před 14 dny. Než ho pošlu na reklamaci, poprosím o radu. Při vložení naplněné cartridge do podu zabliká ale při potahu nic nedělá (nežhavý, nesvítí). Při nabíjení normálně svítí. Jelikož ale na podu není moc variant jak/co udělat, řekl bych že se jedná o vadný kousek. Děkuju, LK.

Daniel Mičan Replied to the question

Dobrý den,

máte tuto skutečnost odzkoušenou s více cartridgemi? Pokud ano (nebo nemáte možnost), zašlete prosím na reklamaci. Bude se nejspíše jednat o vadu potahového snímače.

Reklamaci můžete založit na následujícím odkaze:

Omlouvám se za potíže. :)

S pozdravem, Daniel

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