
Airpin Kit for Centenary Mods Diplomat MTL RTA

25,70 € / Ks
21,22 € excl. VAT
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A set of AFC ring and center pins with different sized holes to accommodate airflow.

Product description

AFC ring and reducer in the form of interchangeable center pins for Centenary Mods Diplomat MTL RTA atomizers. The package contains one AFC ring with three holes and 4 pcs of center pins with holes: 0,8, 1, 1,2 and 1,5 mm.

Although the pre-installed centerpin in the atomizer has 1.8mm holes, this is not a set that makes the draw necessarily tighter. This kit allows you to adjust primarily the "nicotine kick". There is a different compression and acceleration of the incoming air, which is mainly taken care of by the AFC ring with its three holes. The larger the holes are, the less kick the atomizer will provide.

Of course, you can also combine the 1.8mm serial pin and the AFC ring of this kit for a looser draw than the serial set-up.

Package includes:
1x centerpin with 0.8mm airflow holes
1x centerpin with 1 mm airflow holes
1x centerpin with 1,2 mm airflow holes
1x centerpin with 1,5 mm airflow holes
1x AFC ring

Manufacturer: Centenary Mods (Spain)
Product review
7 rating

Spokojenost, funguje tak, jak má.


Nutné k vyladeni MTL


Uděláno v práci za pár korun+jiné rozměry.Gumičky není problém sehnat.Neskutečné co si ta banda dovoluje....Chápu,že každý nemá ty možnosti jako já.I tak hnus cena za made in china.Nazdar.






Skvělá volba pro vyladění si Diplomata přesně podle sebe. Ten kroužek, který je v tomto setu je spíš pro lidi, kteří radši volný potah, já jsem si tam nechal ten klasický s jedním otvorem a utaženost potahu je dokonalá. Velmi dobře, že výrobce tuto možnost nabízí.



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